Friday, September 14, 2012

A to Z Survey...

Today I have decided to complete a little survey! I am going to associate something that gives me great joy with each letter of the alphabet! It might get a little tricky but I think I can get through all 26 letters, lets do this!!!

A- Alex and Anis! I love these bracelets!

B-  Birthdays! My birthday, your doesn't matter who the day is for! I just love a good reason to celebrate!

C- Christmas Time! I love the holidays...decorating the tree, making cookies, wrapping gifts...ahhh I can't wait for Christmas!

D- Dad/ Dan! I can't pick just one of  my favorite boys- I need to include both! I am so lucky to have a wonderful dad who has done nothing but support me my entire life! I also have the best brother- we don't always get along, but I love him dearly even if he won't be my friend on facebook!

E- Exercise! Especially dancing! I love to be up and moving!

F- Friends! Both my friends and the tv show! 

G- Glee! I love this show and record it to my DVR every week so I can enjoy it!

H- Home! I love my home, I love being home, it's a great place to be!

I- Ice cream! Particularly chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream! I also occasionally enjoy cake batter! 

J- Jewelry! I love picking out what jewelry I am going to wear each day!

K- Kind people! 

L- Love! I love love!

M- Mom! I love my mom! Not only do I appreciate everything she's ever done for me, but she's also become one of my best friends- I love going shopping with her and spending time together! I am lucky to have her for a mom! =)

N- Naps! I love a good nap on an afternoon when I 'm feeling a little lazy!

O- Organizing! A clean room is a happy room! I love to organize and make sure everything has a place and gets back in that place every day!

P- Pink! I love the color pink! It makes me so happy!

Q- Quiet time! We all need time alone once and awhile!

R- ROXY! I love my little dog with all my heart! She is everything to me and has the perfect personality! I honestly think that no dog will ever compare to her!

S- Shopping! What girl doesn't like to shop?! I love spending a day off at the doesn't matter what the shopping trip is for!

T- Teddy grahams! Lately I've been loving the chocolatey chip kind!

U- Universal Studios! Especially the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

V- Vacations! I love going away for a nice trip to somewhere else! I especially love Disney World =)

W- Water! My beverage of choice! I try to drink a few bottles a day...

X- XX sugar and cream in my coffee and tea!

Y- you! and you and you and you!

Z- Zumba! What a fun way to exercise! Lately I have been really enjoying going to zumba class!

I did it!

Have a great weekend everybody!

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