Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rainy Day Runners Workout

While browsing Pinterest the other day I found a workout that I had to complete. I still am having trouble running because I've been so sick. I still am having trouble breathing correctly which means of course running is pretty much out of the question. I needed a workout that is low impact but still gives results and then I found this beauty:

rainy day workout
Not only does it allow me to alternate breathing through my nose (when possible) and my mouth (when it's not possible), but I did manage to work up a little sweat- and definitely felt the burn in my abs which was nice! I really miss working out and being sick makes me SOOO miserable!!! I'm thinking about trying a few yoga DVDs because moving at a slower pace makes it much easier right now!

What do you do for exercise when you're feeling icky? Do you have any go-to workouts when you feel like you can't breathe?! 

I'd love to hear them!

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