Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How I'm Doing On Those New Years Resolutions...

Back in January I wrote about my New Years Resolutions for the year and I thought it would be fun to see how I'm doing on those resolutions since the year is flying past!

Here is what my original New Years Resolutions were (and my new thoughts are in blue)

  • Travel more. I want to get out there more, take time off of work and travel! I hope that I will be able to accomplish this one. - I am accomplishing this one, I took time off work and will be leaving for France on Thursday! I also went to Disney earlier this year as well.

  • Run a 10K, run a 10 miler. Think about starting to train for a half marathon (scary!) I did run in a 10K, however I think I will just continue running for fun (as fun as it can be) rather then trying to run certain races. I think that it needs to be a non-pressure situation in order for me to enjoy it!

  • Go back to school and start working on my medical billing certificate. I've completely changed my mind on this one. I am instead looking for jobs right now in very different areas then medical billing and when I have secured something you guys will definitely hear about it!

  • Get back into taking more pictures with an actual camera- not my iPhone! I did get a brand new camera and have begun taking more pictures with my actual camera. Sometimes I take pictures with my phone because I can't bring a camera into the place I am (like a concert) but i have been mostly taking pictures with my camera lately!

  • Get caught up with my scrapbooks!!! Well, I am certainly am not caught up on my scrapbooking...but I am definitely getting there! I do want to continue to take more time to scrapbook in the future.

  • Make a budget and stick to it!!! I have been working hard at budgeting my money and I am continuing to budget every month which has been a new thing for me this year. I think I'm doing pretty well

  • Actually complete some projects off of pinterest that I want to complete! I haven't had a ton of time to do this, but with the amount of projects I have to complete on pinterest I hope that I can complete a few.

  • Volunteer and do more for other people. Honestly my couponing has allowed me to do more for other people. I'm able to get things for free and give them to others!

  • Make time to read every day. I love to read but have not had as much time lately and should make more time to read on a daily basis. I have NOT been reading every day. But I have been reading quite a bit throughout the year. I want to continue to find more time to read in the coming months.

  • Take time enjoy life. I often find myself looking into the future and not thinking about the now. I need to just enjoy what's happening right now. This for me is always a struggle because I am so focused on the future and cannot enjoy what's going on during the present. I'm still working on this, but I'm definitely getting better about it!

  • So, overall I think I've done a pretty good job at sticking to my resolutions this year. How are your New Years Resolutions going?

    1 comment:

    1. Wow..you just made me want to get back to my goals with this post..I've accomplished a lot this year but haven't sat down to evaluate it, thanks for the reminder :)
