Welcome back to another week of Project 365! Let's get started...

On day 100 I almost forgot to post a picture! I decided to give you a sneak peek into my to-do list app Wunderlist. These are the lists I currently keep on there: To Do List, Work, Blog Ideas, Shopping, Groceries, Gifts To Get, Books To Read, Movies To Watch, Scrapbooking/Photos, Movies To Buy, and Gift Ideas. I love this app to keep all my running lists with me on the go!

Between work on day 101 my mom and I took Roxy to the beach for a walk. She was crazy when we first got there and ran around non-stop. Once we decided to turn around and head back to the car she started to slow down and started limping a little bit….we had to carry her the rest of the way- she wore herself out! What a crazy, lovable little girl she is!
Day 102 was the most beautiful day of the year so far in Rhode Island. We had gorgeous weather and once I was out of work I decided to do the remainder of my work outside. This was my view!

I had a few errands to run on day 103, but then met up with my friend Kristin for dinner. After dinner I took a quick drive to Watch Hill and watched the sunset- it was gorgeous and the perfect way to start the week!

Also, I noticed I have over 20,000 page views on this little blog. I am so unbelievably grateful to every last one of you that reads this. I love you all.

Day 104, a CVS haul that you will see more insight into tomorrow!

Day 105 was a long, tired day due to the non-stop rain. Whether it was pouring or drizzling it was just gross!

Yesterday, day 106 I had a chance to spend the entire morning and afternoon with Rachel shopping at the outlets near her house. It was such a great time, and I got a lot of good sale items! It was so nice to spend a whole day out shopping, I haven't had any real retail therapy in a long time!
How was your week?
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