I truly believe that the older you get the faster the weeks pass. Honestly every week when I log on to write this post I'm amazed that another week has gone past...
Day 248 Since I've been working all day Roxy has been extra lovey! She has been so excited to see me come home at the end of the day and disappointed when I leave her in the morning. I'm so lucky to have such a sweet puppy!
![Photo: Day 249. Something I need to remember... #project365](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10556469_10101149117780694_7188816918883175417_n.jpg?oh=ac56b6d5e6a07624246e49079c42eb65&oe=548ACA87&__gda__=1418944729_bbd3728738e158f732edcca8ba77982d)
Day 249. This quote is something that I need to remember. I often take on too much and end up stressing myself out when that's not what I intended to do.
Day 250 On Saturday night we had Brittni's Bachelorette Party!
Day 251 was a very special day in Boston to celebrate Brittni's Bachelorette! I loved the t-shirts we got!
Day 252 Early on Monday morning I saw a beautiful sunrise on my way to work.
Day 253 My Birchbox came in the mail...You will see what's inside on Monday!
Day 254 I play trivia every Wednesday night and this week we received a perfect score!!! Amazing!
How was your week?!
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