On day 269 I had a wonderful dinner with my BFFL, Rachel! I love working daytime hours so I can actually make real "grown-up" plans after work! =)

Day 270 I got home in time to catch this absolutely beautiful sunset!

Day 271 was girls night! It was fun to hang out with a whole group of girls- some I knew and some I hadn't met before but I had such a great time chatting with everyone!

Day 272. The view near our rental house is absolutely incredible. This particular location is in Misquamicut and is called Split Rock. I am obsessed with this beautiful place and often just drive up, park and look out at the beautiful, blue ocean!

Some days you just need a little chocolate, and day 273 was on of those days. It was an incredibly busy morning at work and I decided to hop on over to Starbucks after work for a mocha frappachino and a chocolate croissant. Best decision I made all day!

Day 274 I actually got a little bit of couponing done (which will be my next blog post!)

Day 275 was October 1st and as you all probably know by now- October is my favorite month of the year! I'm so excited that it is finally here!
I hope you all had equally as lovely weeks as I did! I know next weeks post will be about an even better week because tomorrow is my 26th birthday! =)
What did you do this week?
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