Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Just A Stay-Cation

Oh hey friends! I've been a little absent here on the blog lately but this past week I took a little stay-cation from work! I had decided to take a five day vacation from work and didn't make a single plan which is very unlike me. I always have a plan for my vacation time but it was SO nice to just hang out! Well... that was the plan.

Before vacation there was of course the Super Bowl....

Which of course had the greatest result of all time! Another ring for the Pats!

Also I thought I would show you the plant I have actually succeeded in growing! I mean, it takes very little maintenance but I have managed to keep it alive.

A second blossom has emerged since this picture and another will be appearing soon too!

Tim and I have been doing a lot of shopping lately...which has been a little dangerous. This is one of my favorite moments...Tim sitting on the floor of Marshalls....

We spent the day with Brittni, Stephen and Emma over the weekend. We had lunch at Newport Creamery and always have the best time watching Emma enjoy different types of foods. 

We also got the chance to visit with Rachel, Ant and Tilly. I soaked in some newborn snuggles while the boys played video games.

Tim did enjoy some newborn snuggles too!

We also have been doing really well at going to the gym! I even started riding the bike and did four miles the other day!

Unfortunately my grandmother passed away at the end of last week so we spent our Valentines Day at a funeral. We were able to sneak in dinner and tons of quality time together which is the best! I am so lucky <3

I hope you guys had a wonderful Valentines Day and I am off to enjoy one last day of vacation tomorrow before I head back to work on Thursday....boo!

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