Friday, January 5, 2018

Some Favorite Gifts of Christmas 2017

Happy Friday friends!

We had a snow day yesterday which meant a whole day off from work! It was so nice to lounge around the apartment :)

Today we're chatting about gifts from Christmas. I'm going to share some favorites that I gave and received. I always like to start thinking about Christmas super early and love making sure that everyone on my list gets something that they love.

Here were a few wins this year...

The big winner this year was my Canon Rebel! Tim bought me this and I have been loving taking pictures with it! I've noticed all the pictures I've taken with it are super crisp and look amazing. I would highly recommend this camera and while I don't know everything about it yet I'm excited to learn how to use it!

My big gift for Tim was the Apple Watch Series 3  so far he's been wearing it every day so I would say he likes it. I did get myself the pink version in the smaller size and have been loving how easy it is to use. It's definitely an electronic I didn't realize I wanted until I had it on my wrist! I would highly recommend it if you have an iPhone and love that as well.

I asked my mom for the small spaces set of Makers Cleaning Cloths from my mom and although she thought I was crazy I love these cloths for cleaning. They are sold out right now but you can sign up to get an e-mail when they're back in stock. Melissa Maker has a Youtube channel and other then having an awesome first name she is an amazing cleaner and has some great tips! She makes a great product too :)

If you are a Harry Potter fan or have one in your life the Harry Potter Illustrated Books  are a great gift idea! These are beautiful versions of the stories we come to know and love and I own all three that have been released so far.

I love to support other bloggers and knew I wanted to get this Color At Home coloring book  from John and Sherry over at Young House Love. They have released two great home decor/diy books and this coloring book was a fun new take on home decorating. I have loved coloring through the pages and seeing what I like as far as decor colors go. (As if I didn't already know blue, gray and white are my jam)

Some all-time favorite hits for presents? Gift cards. I gift a ton of gift cards and also received a ton this year which is great! I love shopping for myself, I love going out to dinner and I love knowing that the person I am gifting to will actually be able to enjoy their gift.

I received so many other little things I love- slippers, bath and body products, scarves, etc that I just don't have room to list here and I gave so many gifts I was proud to hand over. (Like this Beard Hair Catcher I gave Tim- how cool is this?!) This is just a small glimpse into Christmas and I hope you enjoyed these gift ideas!

**Some affiliate links are used in this post**

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