Monday, August 26, 2019

I love lists

Guys. I think I have an unhealthy obsession with lists.


While scrolling through my phone I realized between my lists for the new house, my to-buy lists, and everything else I jot down it's something that I should discuss here on the blog. I do everything from using the notes section on my phone, using the app Evernote, and making lists in cute notebooks.

Here's an example of the shopping list I currently have in my phone:

As I'm shopping if I see something I like I'll jot it down if I'm not ready to buy it yet.  Right now I'm thinking of many things that I need to buy for the new house but I can't buy them until we have a place for them to go.

Another set of lists I love to keep are labeled "Adventure" on my Everynote app. I keep track of every  place I've traveled along with a list of all the places I'd like to go. I also like to keep track of the number of states I've traveled to and the number of countries I've traveled to.

I also organize lists of books to read and tv shows to watch. If you saw my list of lists you would think all I do is make lists.

Do you guys make lists in order to stay organized?

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