I hope you are having a wonderful week so far! We have some exciting plans this weekend we are currently preparing for. Make sure you are following me on Instagram (@balancingonmytoes) so you can see what we are up to.
This past week it seemed that most of the YouTubers I follow shared either Christmas Decorating videos or Christmas Decor Shop With Me videos, talk about getting me in the holiday spirit! If you know me you know that I tend to skip right over Thanksgiving because it is not my favorite holiday. I am all for being thankful and spending time with family but I'm sick of the orange color scheme and ready to move on to glittery Christmas!
If you are looking for some serious Christmas decorating inspiration then check out the following videos:
Alexandra Beuter---> This girl has been my favorite recently! She has the sweetest newborn boy and just went shopping for Christmas decor for her first time apart from him!
Love Meg-----> Megan always does an amazing job going above and beyond on her Christmas decor and she has the BEST cleaning videos.
Beauty & the Beastons----> Tiffani is an awesome YouTuber and I admire how she takes care of her family and gets so much accomplished every week!
Brianna K-----> I just love Brianna! She seems like such a sweet person and makes amazing cleaning videos.
Those are just four videos to get you started but there are so many out there, I spend WAYYYY too much time on YouTube.
On Sunday I got the chance to run into Walmart to grab some groceries (side note: grocery pickup has been my life lately with the new puppy. I don't like to leave her if I don't have to since she's alone while we are at work all day...so going inside a store besides Home Depot and Petsmart feels like a luxury!) and of course I headed into the Christmas aisles!
I pulled inspiration from Love Meg's video while I was there. She bought garlands to decorate her mantle and the ledge above her living room and put a lot of other items on the garland as well. I loved this idea and although I don't think mine turned out as well as hers I made an attempt above my kitchen cabinets.
I honestly am not a fan of decor over cabinets in general. I prefer cabinets to go all the way to the ceiling and that's how I would design cabinets in any future renovation or house that I build. We generally don't have any decor up there but I decided it might be a fun way to incorporate decorations especially since it's an area that Sophie can't reach. I also am not a fan of the cord hanging down but since we don't have an outlet above the cabinets there isn't a whole lot I can do about that.
Everything up there I picked up from Walmart. It's a simple lit garland, poinsettias, and gold sparkly pics. I wish it was a little bigger of a garland so it showed up a bit more behind the lip but overall I'm happy with it. I'm sure I will keep messing with it until I love it.
These little bottle brush trees came from Walmart as well and I stuck them on the ledge between our kitchen and living room for now but I'm not sure if this is where they will stay. Sophie can now jump onto the couch and I think she might find them enticing!
The last thing I put up were these little window decals I put on side door. It's hard to see in the photo but it says "let it snow". Since we are not going to put a wreath on this door I thought that window decals would be fun!
I've already ordered a few things for Christmas decorating that I can't wait to share with you. I'll be sure to keep you updated and do a full Christmas decor tour once everything is complete.
Now as for more Christmas decor inspiration, I am definitely turning to my favorite Instagram accounts, Bloggers, and Pinterest! I love MyTexasHouse over on Instagram because she has the most beautiful home and decorates in a lot of white which I absolutely love. I wish that we could keep all white everything clean in my house but I don't think I would be able to do it. Erin has a dog and three kids and somehow manages to keep her house beautiful, she seriously must be magic. Anyways, her Christmas decor is absolutely stunning and I wish my house could be as gorgeous as hers!
I also love Erin over at Sunny Side Up. I've been reading her blog for years and I also follow her on Instagram. She has a gorgeous house as well and her decorating is always flawless. I love the aesthetic she goes with and am always impressed with how her house turns out.
I've been scouring Pinterest the last few weeks looking for ideas for outdoor decorations and have really liked these:
I like the idea of decorating our mailbox this year since it's the first time we've ever had one. This picture I found on Pinterest is an idea but I'm thinking of doing prelit garland running up the post and my mom picked up a mailbox topper for us as well. I'm excited to show you how it turns out!
I would love to have something like this someday but our front steps are super skinny. I am going to wrap prelit garland down our stair railings and possibly hang a wreath on the door but I'm not sure what else I'll do with the front yard!
I love this front door! I would definitely do something like this if I had the space outside!
This is also beautiful! I would never be able to fit lanterns on the front steps though!
I purchased a new artificial Christmas tree this year since our old one has seen better days. I would love to do a themed tree but we have so many ornaments from our life and travels I like to include those!
I would someday love to have multiple trees, but this year I think we will be hiding the tree in our office so Sophie can't get to it or the gifts.
Here is some gorgeous tree inspiration for you...
I love then the most frequent color on the tree is white, it just pops so well. I may be incorporating this in our tree this year, we will have to wait and see what I come up with!
I'd love to know what your plans for Christmas decorating are this year? Do you have a theme or just a collection of decorations that you have collected over the years? Also, are you ready for Christmas shopping season or have you already completed all your shopping? I'm about halfway done right now!
Have a great rest of your week and weekend everyone and I'll see you back here next week when I share all about the fun weekend we are going to have! (Remember to follow on Instgram @balancingonmytoes)
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