Monday, May 24, 2021

10 Recent Amazon Buys

 Happy Monday friends! 

Can you believe next weekend is Memorial Day Weekend? Yesterday was a scorcher here. (If you don't know what a scorcher's how we say it's really hot in Rhode Island). So far we only have one A/C in our bedroom and haven't put in the other but the rest of the week it's not supposed to be quite as hot, so we decided to suffer through without our main area A/C for a little longer. 

Today I thought I would share all my recent Amazon purchases because I love seeing other bloggers post about what they've picked up recently. I shop on Amazon quite a bit because of the free two day shipping (sometimes next day!) and since I'm still not fully vaccinated I'm still not shopping in person all that often.  Hopefully that will change because I get my final shot on Friday!!

Let's get started!

Okay I haven't received this splash pad yet, but I totally bought it for my dogs! It should be coming in the mail today and I'm so excited for the girls to run through it. It has some wonderful reviews and a lot of people say they are surprised that it has held up so well with their dogs digging at it. I hope that works for us, but at least at $17 it really isn't an insane price so we will hopefully enjoy it for awhile. Also, next summer we will have an almost one year old and while she probably won't be running around, she might enjoy being carried through the sprinkler! 

Keeping it real over here...none of my bras fit me anymore. Since bras are expensive and I never seem to do a great job at finding bras that fit well I thought I would chance it and try out these. I quickly tried one on before throwing them in the wash, but it seemed to fit pretty well and I love that they are only $10 a piece. I will definitely be testing them out more and hopefully they'll work out great!

I actually purchased these baking cups for the cup holders in my car. I want to try to keep my cup holders clean and these are easy to pop out and rinse off. They are a little small but seem to be working so far! I might use the other ones for making muffins since I have so many. 

My Amazon account tells me that this is the third time I have purchased Folex cleaner which can only mean one's amazing! We had to purchase this quickly since we have a new little friend learning to potty train. Luckily this cleaner is great and removes stains like no other carpet cleaner I've ever seen.

These baby swaddles are so cute! I follow Coupon with Kayla on Instagram and TikTok and am also a part of her Telegram group and when she shared a deal on this set I had to order it. She has a lot of great deals so definitely check her page out if you love Amazon deals.

I have an Amazon registry for my planned drive by baby shower and put a couple of items on it that kept being sold out. I wanted to make sure I was able to get some of the items, so I picked this muslin swaddle blanket. I am obsessed with all things goldendoodle (obviously) and new that Ellie needed this blanket. 

Along the same lines...Ellie needed this lovie. I already know I'm going to be an "extra" mom, if you've seen the dog toy pile in my house you can imagine how I will be with my first human baby :)

So this dog paw washer is the first product on this list that I didn't love. My dogs get super dirty and then getting them wet just created a huge mess in my house. I think if we had a mud room it wouldn't be so bad because I could stop the dogs in one room but since they enter directly into the kitchen they make such a mess!

These sheets are awesome! We own two sets of them- one white and the newest one is in this light blue. They are so soft and comfy. I would 100% purchase them again. There is usually a deal on them too which is great if you are looking for a great deal on great sheets. 

I picked up this bookcase for Ellie's room and honestly it isn't great. It is made of really cheap material and I was very much hoping for a more solid bookcase. I might need to replace it a few years down the road, but for now it will hold her books and toys and it was super cheap. I mostly was just looking for something fairly inexpensive to hold us over. If that's what you're looking for too, it would certainly work but if you are looking for a long lasting piece of furniture, this is definitely not it!

Those are my 10 most recent Amazon buys! What have you picked up from Amazon lately? Anything you recommend?

Have a great day!

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