Hey everyone, happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and took the time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It was a rainy weekend here in RI, but I still managed to get some things done around here.
I wanted to share some garden updates I made back in April since I am planning on doing some more gardening next weekend and can then share the completed look with you guys soon! Tim and I bought some mulch and are hoping that we can get everything planted and the mulch down maybe next weekend? Pregnancy has made my ambition to do project go wayyyy down but I really want our outdoor areas to look complete this summer.
So, anyways! Back in April Tim and I headed to Home Depot and picked up some plants.
I picked up some annuals and a few perennials. I wanted mostly perennials because that makes it so easy year after year keep the garden looking nice. I do love the color of annuals however and was happy to grab a few that could withstand the direct sun they would receive in our front garden. The previous owners of our house cut down every last tree so we have a very open front yard. Whatever we plant out there needs to be resilient!

I planted the salvia in the center of the garden, hoping it will bring a beautiful purple and also grow pretty big as the years go on. I then grouped three of the annuals together in the front of the garden to add some immediate color. I plan to get some more annuals to fill this in.
The salvia closer up! I'm hoping this does well because I just love how pretty it is!
On the left side of the garden I put sedge because I think having some ornamental grass will be nice on the side of the garden. I also love that it is basically impossible to kill and super low maintenance. I also put the same few annuals grouped together in the back to tie in with the ones I planted in the front. This will also add some color.
I also wanted to share the free tree I got this spring. The RI DEM was giving away free trees and I selected a London Planetree. We placed it in our front yard to add a little coverage. I love that this tree is expected to grow fairly quickly and even looking outside now it has added so many leaves since this picture. I can't wait to watch it grow and add some coverage in our front yard.
We have a garden up by the very front of our yard and in the fall I planted a bunch of tulip bulbs. I was shocked that every last one of them came up this year! I will be adding more bulbs this fall so we can really fill this garden in. The tulips are all dead now and I really need to get out there and clip them down. It was so nice to have that pop of color when spring had just begun and we needed to see some signs of life. I also am loving that we had some evergreens in this garden which stayed nice year round and the other perennials we planted last year came back this spring.
Here's another view and you can see how this garden relates to the front garden. I am thinking about adding some pink annuals in the very front of the garden now that the tulips have gone by. We have a drive by baby shower planned for July and I would love to have something pink up here but I also am worried about having to lug a watering can out there every day in the summer...pregnancy problems :)
I have been busy sketching out my gardens and what our plan is going to be for the new gardens we are making in the backyard. I need to replace one boxwood that isn't doing really great and I would like to add evergreens to the left side of the garden. I also am planning on moving my bird bath from the backyard to the front garden if I can make it look nice with evergreens around it. I also would like to get a few small items to add into the garden. Little animals or something like that? I plan on purchasing a bunch of plants for the back yard and a few more for the front. Our side garden is where I planted the hostas but I will share that when that garden is extended along the fence because right now it's just three hostas along the side of the house.
I know that my gardens are super young and need time to develop but I have a hard time not filling everything in immediately. I don't want it to look like it's overflowing but I do want it to look more full than it does now.
As I said, my plan is to head out to buy plants this week at some point and then get everything mulched over the weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to share a garden update with you next week, but if we don't get everything done, don't be too shocked- I am pregnant after all! :)
Have a great day everyone!
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