Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Cleaning Series: Sorting Through the Dresser Drawers

The other night I was having the worst time sleeping. I ended up laying in bed for about an hour before I knew that I needed to get up and do some sort of project...so I cleaned out my dresser drawers!

I started at my top drawer- the underwear drawer which I will NOT be showing on the internet =)

I ended up tossing a bunch of old underwear- anything that looked old and I wasn't wearing anymore, or anything that I found uncomfortable got tossed in the trash.

I didn't need to sort through my sock drawer because I regularly toss socks with holes in them. My sock drawer is generally a high traffic area and I replace socks quite often due to the wear I put on them. 

The next drawer I sorted through is my sweatpants drawer. I'm sad to say but quite a few of the pants in this drawer are old and needed to get tossed. Some others are ones that I never wear and wanted to donate and the drawer was just a complete mess....

After I was done, the drawer looked much better! I was wearing a pair of sweatpants and had a couple in the laundry- so I do have more than what is pictured below- but I definitely have a more reasonable amount of sweatpants now.

I threw out a pair of ratty sweats that I didn't put in the picture below because they were really gross and old. They were my first pair of URI sweatpants from when I first began school at URI. I also placed the pair of brown gauchos in my donation bin.

Next, I dug into my shorts drawer. I purchased a bunch of these shorts last summer so I knew the majority of them would still fit me and I still liked. I wear shorts every day in the summer so I didn't think there would be too much to get rid of but I definitely needed to clean it up a little bit.

So much better!

I ended up finding three pairs of lounge shorts and a nightgown to donate. 

Finally, I moved onto my jeans and work pants drawer

I knew there was a few items in here I needed to try on so I quickly moved through it...and there is a little more room now...

I ended up finding two pairs of jeans to donate. Both are very worn so I won't be able to sell them on ebay, so off to the Salvation Army they go!

I'll be back tomorrow with some more of my spring cleaning series!

1 comment:

  1. I did the same thing - totally reorganized all of our drawers. It's so much cleaner in there!! I love opening them now and picking out something for the day. I used to dread digging through the piles, but having it cleaned up makes me breath a little bit easier.
