Monday, November 4, 2013

Extra Pesky Bookshelves

I love to read, and before my Kindle was in existence, I bought a lot of books. Hardcover, paperback it didn't matter, but I was an own it kind of girl.

So, when my mom bought two small bookcase from the Christmas Tree Shop and wasn't using them I put them together and stuck them in my room to hold all of my books.

Someday I would love to be able to display all my books, photo albums and scrapbooks on bookshelves- however I currently don't have the space for that. I had these two bookshelves holding books and other items, but I didn't think they looked great and wanted to get them put away in the attic for storage. I just didn't know what to do with all the items on their shelves.

Here's what happened.

This is where we started off. The basket on top of the shelf holds all my hair tools, the small pink container holds first aid items. Then the bottom two shelves hold books and other miscellaneous items.

Here's what was inside that hair basket. Now, there is a lot of sample size hair products that I don't use on a daily basis. Those could live some place else I think. I also don't use my curling irons very often. My most used items are my two hair brushes, my hair straightener, and my blow dryer.

Love empty containers!

I moved my chi spray and my curling irons into my hair drawer (located inside my jewelry armoire. I don't use these items every day so it makes sense for them to be hidden away.

The travel size products went into my hair bin inside the closet.

Not shown, but my hair straightener, blow dryer, and two brushes went back inside the originally basket which is now on top of my jewelry armoire for the time being. That will be moved very soon hopefully.

Now as for the rest of the stuff...

I moved all the books and photo albums inside an extra bin. They will live in the attic until I move and hopefully have a new home for them.

Now, the other bookshelf was currently living in my closet, housing photo albums and scrapbooks.

It was blocking my boots along with the scrapbook cart and it was driving me crazy. As I went to grab any of my boots, I had to lean over the shelf to get them. It was annoying and I knew it would continue to bother me all winter long. After all that's what organizing is all about right? Making things simpler and orderly for every day life.

I pulled the shelf out of the corner so I could see it and got to work.

Since my scrapbooks are so big, and I wanted to keep them close by so I could take them down and look at them, I opted to put them on a closet shelf.

However, all the rest of the photo albums were boxed up and put in the attic.

and now, I can get to my boots....

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