Welcome to Project 365 Week 10!
I'm starting to really love these posts every week. It's nice to be able to share a little bit of my personal day to day life because believe it or not I do some other things instead of just blogging! =)

On Thursday day 65 I received a piece of mail from Google confirming my mailing address, which means I officially met the threshold with Google adsense. I am super far away from actually getting a check, but I was excited that this blog is turning into something!

Day 66 I received my free 16x20 Shutterfly print in the mail! It was nice to look at it and see the beautiful French Riviera. I would love to get back there someday! =)

On Day 67, Saturday, I went to the local middle school play with my co-worker and friend Laura to see some of our students perform! They did a great job and were super excited to see us there!

Day 68 was a working day for me- but a fun one! I went to a competition for two of my students. They each performed a solo and two duet numbers. The duet number I choreographed received the highest score of all their routines so I was very proud!

Bonus picture from day 68! With all of our trophies, medals, invitations to Nationals and pins!

On Day 69 I did a one day only deal for a free lotion at Bath and Body Works!

Day 70, Look at that face! I just love this little girl so much and I honestly have trouble leaving her because when I come home she acts like I've been gone for days even when its only been a few minutes!

Yesterday on Day 71 I spent my day off trying on Bridesmaid dresses! The one on the top left is the exact dress I will be wearing in Rachel's wedding in August. The other three pictures are from trying on dresses at David's Bridal for Brittni's wedding. For Brittni's we are wearing the dress pictured multiple times (any dress that isn't the bright blue one!) in navy blue.
Some bonus pictures from trying on Bridesmaid dresses…
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