Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New Bedroom: Part 2

Today I thought I would share another area of my new bedroom...My Stockpile Closet!

I have been couponing for about two years now and I love having a nice stockpile so I don't have to pay top dollar for personal care items, paper goods, etc. I am a huge fan of couponing and am so glad I have a nice place to store everything now!

The closet itself goes back pretty far so there is a ton of room to grow!

In the way back on the top shelf I have a small canvas tote full of hand soaps. Next to it is my stockpile of mouthwash, then some smaller containers filled with sunscreen, soaps, and bath products.

The big canvas tote on the top shelf holds all my body washes and scrubs. These are so easy to get for free and cheap!

Moving down to the second shelf. The first bin is filled with hair products. I have shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, dry shampoo, etc in this bin.

The next bin is filled with dental products. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are something I only buy on deals where they are free or almost free.

I love this bin and I'm sure you can see why. I'm a little obsessed with lotion =) I have a ton of free samples and many full size containers waiting to be used. Why pay for lotion when I have this much backup?

I keep ziploc bags and cleaning products towards the back of this shelf.

The bottom shelf holds computer paper, some bottles of alcohol, and laundry items.

Then  a bin of razors and shave cream. I am running low in this section so I will have to start looking for more deals!

This big bin houses my candles and fragrance sprays. I love Bath and Body Works candles but only buy them when they are on sale and I have a coupon!

Below the shelves I have all my paper products. Paper towels, toilet paper, tissues and a few reams of copy paper live down here.

I love stockpiling products such as these because they have such a long shelf life. If I'm able to stock up at a time when the items are cheap- it is great to have a place to store them until I need them!

Do you have a stockpile?

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