Two posts today for you lucky readers! My project 365 is almost complete..only a few more weeks remain. Here is week 47 for you...

Day 325. I stole this picture from Sam over at Simply Organized but I think it is definitely words to live by. I hate clutter and I hope that I can help people overcome the clutter in their lives!

Day 326 I went to see Mockingjay and it was incredible! I love The Hunger Games books and seeing them brought to film is an incredible experience. I thought they did a great job with the movie and am considering doing a review on how they did bringing this book to the big screen-maybe something you'll see here soon?

On day 327 I went to the URI basketball game. As a URI alum I was shocked by how exciting the basketball games have gotten! They installed a new light system last year and it was definitely more theatrical! The game was an exciting one- and we ended up beating Nebraska which was a huge win! Rhody Rhody Rhody...Rams Rams Rams!

Day 328. I went a little crazy at CVS shopping the amazing deals! I will be sharing more on that tomorrow, and I will also be sharing information on the deals for this weekend at CVS as well- so come back tomorrow for that!

Day 329. I got organized because it is time for Dance Team Season to start! I am so excited to be the new coach for a great group of girls and can't wait to get started!

Day 330. I was laying in bed thinking I would rather be in Puerto Rico in the sunshine instead of in this cold and rain we've been having in Rhode Island!

Day 331. At the end of the day- what face is sweeter to come home to then this one? Love this little girl! =)
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