I've been all over the place lately- trying to keep up with work and day to day life. It is quite a busy time! So this blog post is going to be a little bit all over the place so bear with me- I just am going to try to update you on as much as possible.
Last weekend spent Easter with my family in Stonington Borough and it was a windy but beautiful day.
I've been spending a lot of time loving on this little girl. She is such a sweetie and has kidney stones right now. She also is completely blind- but is still the sweetest girl around!
So my work had a March Madness pool and I won! It was so exciting and I walked away with $200 which was great since I am able to put it towards my car! I will be paying off my car entirely this week and am so excited that in just under 5 years I have completely paid off my car and it is allllll mine!
One of the things I have been obsessed with using Coconut Oil on my hair. I read that Blake Lively does this regularly and as we all know she has the most gorgeous hair around so I will do anything that she says is good for your hair =)
I wet my hair in the shower and then put this all over the ends of my hair before shampooing. That way you aren't cleaning the ends of your hair when that part of your hair needs the oil and moisture.
Yesterday we tore down the deck outside in preparation for building an addition. It was really hard work and we were all exhausted when the day was over. (I fell asleep at 8pm!) 12,000 steps later my body was done!
Today started with a CardioSculpt workout-which was very intense! Then I spent some time cleaning and organizing before checking in here. Next I'm off to a bridal shower as you can see I have my gift all ready to go!
How has your life been lately? Are your days busy busy or are you relaxing lately? Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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