Sunday, April 5, 2015

Spring Cleaning: More Sentimental Items and Random Places

Happy Easter everybody! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful day with family and friends. I had a lovely brunch this morning with my family, followed by a walk around downtown Stonington Borough which was chilly but nice. 

Even though it's still not feeling like spring here in Rhode Island, I have been doing some major spring cleaning of even MORE sentimental items. Earlier this season I cleaned out a great deal of recent greeting cards that had been claiming residence in my closet for far too long- but I knew that wasn't my only issue. There were definitely more sentimental items cluttering my life.

In the words of Eminem, "Tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet"

This was my closet of choice- although it's more of a nook then a closet since it doesn't have a door- which means i need it to stay looking neat so people don't think I'm a disaster when they enter my room.

I quickly managed to pull out a ton of things I knew I didn't really need....

There were a ton of old magazines I was holding onto (such as a final episode of Friends magazine... seriously! I was holding onto it as if it was a collectors item, what on earth was it still doing hanging around?!) I had both of my graduation caps (high school and college) and I really don't need them! I kept the tassels, but there is no need to keep the caps as well. I also decided to part with my ticket stubs (seriously, am I a hoarder?), my graduation book, old dance competition books, and old dance teacher notes.

Then I decided while I was in that area to go through my current magazine stash (ones I haven't read)...

I only get magazines in the mail that I get for free so some I do have duplicate copies of. I brought all the ones I didn't want to work and placed them in the waiting room so other people can enjoy them and ended up with only these....

I love the Storage Solutions magazine and buy this every year. I also love reading Cosmo so I kept that so I can finish reading the magazine.

It's amazing what you're able to donate and people will be thrilled to have/use/read when you aren't enjoying them at all!

I also went through some more sentimental items...

I had so many certificates and programs from awards ceremonies I participated in. Do I really need a certificate that reminds me of my fourth grade honor roll status? No! Would I want my future children burdened by having to sort through all this in the future? No! So into the recycling bin these went.

I also sorted through my paperwork- papers from old vacations, receipts from more expensive purchases I insisted on holding onto. Papers from old jobs, papers from old events, papers that are just old. These were all from my file cabinet, and you can see my shredder in the top right corner because that's where all of these went. I highly recommend sorting through your file cabinet regularly because it's amazing what you manage to stuff in there.

Next I tackled photos...

I didn't throw away too many- only ones that were of people I don't speak to anymore- because honestly why do I need them? I want to take all my hard copy pictures and scan them into my computer and get rid of all the hard copies (or at least put the hard copies into albums). At some point I would like to go through all my albums- but that is a project for another day!

I already feel lighter and better about where my spring cleaning is heading. I am making my life simpler and that is always a good thing.

Have you been doing any spring cleaning? What kinds of things are you getting rid of?

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