Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Things I'm Loving Lately

Happy Wednesday loves!

Today I want to share a few things I've been absolutely loving lately. I realized as I was making this list that it's going to seem like most of what I do is watch tv...but it's winter and there's not a whole lot of activities to do at night when it's dark out so early! Plus, it's cold. No one wants to leave the house in Rhode Island this time of year, trust me.

First up is a Christmas gift that Tim gave me this year!

This oil diffuser (which comes from Amazon) is awesome! I've wanted an oil diffuser for some time now and this one has been working great!  I love candles but sometimes I want to know I have something cleaning up the air and that's how the oil diffuser makes me feel.

I also received a bottle of essential oil that I am loving diffusing in it...

Purify was recommended by Kelly Marie on YouTube and I think the smell is great. It makes the air feel fresh and isn't super strong (unless you use a lot of it!) so it is great to use anytime. I also feel like it's purifying the air, especially this time of year when everyone is sick.

I've been working on a personal exercise goal..

I'm using the Couch to 5K app on my iPhone in order to help me achieve it! I needed some sort of goal to work towards so I'm using this app to get me motivated.  I thought this would be a great way to get in shape and get started and if I plan on doing a 5K at some point this year it will give me something to work towards which always keeps me a little more motivated.

A show I recently watched all the way through is The Handmaid's Tale. I had read the book a couple of years ago but never watched the show since the book was disturbing enough but I am SO glad I started watching it. It's very scary, especially during a time like this in the world but so important to be aware of what the world could end up being if a radical religious group ever took over. I would be in Canada SO fast.

Becoming by Michelle Obama was an absolutely AMAZING autobiography. I read it within a four hour time period this past Sunday and didn't regret a minute of my time. Michelle is the most inspiring woman and I can't believe how much I didn't know about her. She came so far in her life and is absolutely brilliant. It made me like her and Barack even more then I already did. If you are at all interested in her life story, definitely give this one a read!

A TV show that Tim and I watched together recently is Superstore which is absolutely hilarious! We watched all the seasons on Hulu and enjoyed it so much. The cast is hilarious and it is created by the same people who made The Office and Parks and Recreation so if you are a fan of either of those shows just give it a try!

I just finished watching the whole season of Marie Kondo's Netflix show called Tidying Up. I love her book and find her organizing methods very inspirational and very much enjoyed her show. I liked that she didn't do all the work for her clients but made them go through their own belongings. It inspires me to pair down my belongings and get rid of things that don't spark joy. If you like decluttering at all, check it out!

What are you loving lately?

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