Tuesday, June 11, 2013

To Do List Notebook and Organization Binder Update

I am here today with my updated organization binder and my new to-do list system. I know last week I briefly discussed making a new system for my to-do list. I needed to change something because I was constantly finding post it notes with things written down, and having to rewrite my list over and over again- enter, my to-do list notebook!

This baby was purchased at Staples and is part of the Martha Stewart collection. I absolutely love these notebooks (I already own two of the larger ones) and think that the color and pattern of this one is just adorable.

This notebook has several lists inside already, the first is my work to-do list.

(I have blurred out any sensitive information throughout this post to keep the privacy of my students and myself)

The next list is my personal to-do list

Then on the third page I have my Blog Topics list where I list things that are happening in the next month or so that I can blog about. I also would place any topics that are suggested or requested by readers on this page.

In addition to the above pages, I also have a page that outlines my blog posts for the next few weeks. It is not a definite list of topics, but I like to keep an idea of what topics I want to cover and how many "free" days I have to blog about personal things such as my weekend recap, or an exciting event that has happened. I like to plug in my organizational topics and other posts that I know I want to do first, and then add in the filler so there is a variety.

In addition to my new to-do list, I wanted to review how my organizational binder is helping me and what sections I've been using and what sections I haven't.

My tabs are labeled as follows: Calendar, Lists, Bill Payment, Budget, Spending, Saving, Style, Workouts, Gifts and Inventory.

I never use the calendar tab. Ever. I have my planner which I carry with me 24/7 so I really don't need a tab for a calendar in this binder. I am still unsure what I will put in that section but I am still thinking about it. I will let you know when I figure it out.

In my lists section, I have a huge list of projects I want to complete...

A list of scrapbooks to complete...

A plan for my dance quilt and URI quilt...

and some future home ideas...

Next, I have a bill payment check-sheet where I keep track of all the bills I have to pay and check them off after I have scheduled the payment for them. I keep track of what bills are scheduled, what ones need to be scheduled and my current balance on my credit cards on the post it notes. I update these about every 1-2 weeks to make sure I'm keeping an accurate account of what is going on with my finances.

In my budget section I keep a sheet that details all of the categories i foresee myself spending money. I make an estimation about how much I can spend in each category and then at the end of the month I fill out the actual column and calculate if I was over or under my budget goal. Keeping track like this makes me spend a lot less than I did before that is for sure!

I also keep track of every purchase I make in the spending section of my binder. It really helps me make sure I am staying on track

In the saving section I keep track of all the money I make in my paychecks and also in other ways, through rebates, swagbucks, ebay, etc...

I keep track of my coupon savings...

and keep my savings balance up to date...

Finally in the gifts section- I keep track of gift ideas for friends and family..

What I've already purchased for them..

Extra gifts I have around I could always use...

Stocking stuffer ideas...

And lists of what has been given to me so I know how much to spend on people...

The other sections of my blog aren't used quite as often, and style and workouts are mostly just for me to keep reference articles and papers in. The inventory hasn't been updated in awhile but it is where I keep track of things such as my DVDs and books.

and that's it! That's what my new to-do list notebook looks like and what my organization binder is doing these days. Let me know how you keep these things organized!

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