On day 44 I had to head to work in some terrible driving conditions. I was wishing I could stay home and be lazy like Roxy!

Day 45 was Valentines day! My mom bought these little Sweenor's Chocolates for me! I ate them in one sitting…so good!

Day 46. Snowing again. We always have a group of turkeys in our yard and they seemed just as sick of the snow as I am!

Day 47, I spent a cozy night in wit my current favorite candle burning.

Day 48, I took a few online quizzes that always pops up on Facebook. I thought this one was pretty amusing. I do wish I was the duchess of Cambridge though! Gotta love Princess Kate!

On Day 49 I went and did some errands in the morning. I did find some great deals on things that I needed- so you may be seeing a post coming up soon about that =)
Day 50 I posted a video that I cannot figure out how to link here…so you will just have to go to my Instagram account in order to view it! I went to a basketball game to see some of my former students dance at halftime! They did an amazing job!
How was your week?!
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