Another week has passed, we're at the end of week 8! I can't believe how fast the days pass by and I'm ready to share a little bit of my week with you guys.

On day 50, I dropped my dad off at the airport and dropped in at BBW to grab this awesome deal. I also ran into Kayla and her family at the mall which was nice, especially when I got to see her son Brayden! =)

On day 51, I had to go into work but ended up leaving because I felt so miserable. It was back to bed for me! The tissue box and Halls cough drops became two of my best friends.

My mom decided that we needed a little treat on day 52, so we headed to McDonalds and had hot fudge sundaes! Roxy had some plain vanilla ice cream- lucky her!

I was lucky enough to spend day 53 with my college roommates Laura and Megan! Megan and I headed up to Hartford to visit Laura and went out in West Hartford for the night. I had a great time and was so happy to see both of them.

When I got home on day 54, Roxy went nuts. I was only away for one night but she must've missed me judging by al the love she gave me!

Day 55 was a boring day at work, I ended it by doing a little blogging and watching The Bachelor. (As I'm typing this up I'm watching the Tuesday night episode of The Bachelor and OMG, Andi leaving? I have so much respect for that girl!)

I headed to CVS on day 56 and completed an awesome couponing transaction- which I will be sharing tomorrow!
Finally, on day 57 I ended my day with some trivia. This is the team I play with every Wednesday, and last night we ended up in 2nd place! Well, we tied with another team and got bumped to 3rd in a tie-breaker, but we had 2nd place points- pretty sweet!

Finally, on day 57 I ended my day with some trivia. This is the team I play with every Wednesday, and last night we ended up in 2nd place! Well, we tied with another team and got bumped to 3rd in a tie-breaker, but we had 2nd place points- pretty sweet!
one of these days we are SO going to crash trivia!!!