Saturday, December 22, 2012

Weekly Couponing Wrapup

Well, I guess we've survived the "end of the world" huh? How crazy is it that people honestly get so carried away with things like that? I just always feel like if it's going to happen- there's nothing I can do about it! Enjoy your life and time on Earth because there's no guarantee how long it will last. It confuses me why people get so worked up about conspiracy theories like the end of the world day when they could go at any minute! Oh well, end tangent!

I did two stops this week with my couponing- CVS and Rite Aid.

At CVS I picked up the following items:

2 Sensodyne Toothpastes (the only type of toothpaste I can use!), A Clear shampoo and conditioner in travel size, and a bag of Dove Chocolates.

Guess how much I paid.....

$1.61! How you ask? Well I had a coupon making the Clear Shampoo completely free. I bought the Clear Conditioner because I figured I might as well have a set of it. I had two $1.00 off Sensodyne coupons. I didn't have a coupon for the Dove chocolates but I *needed* them.

I also had $19 in ECB that I wanted to use up. They even had to adjust one down! All I paid was tax =)

Bringing down my $23.05 total down to just $1.61 is a 93% savings!!! Success!

Then I headed over to Rite Aid...

I bought two fragrance gift sets, two beauty gift sets, and an almay intense eye color palette.

and paid.....

$4.10! Plus...I got $5 worth of rewards points from the purchase- aka, I made 90 cents!!!

Here's the breakdown:

The beauty/fragrance sets were on sale for BOGO 50% off. They were also all marked down from $4.99 to $2.99. I then got $5 in rewards.

The Almay makeup was on sale for 75% off. Making it $1.99, well I had a $2 off Almay makeup coupon! Making my total $0!

Not too shabby for a two store stop!  =)

I really encourage you to get out there and shop with coupons. I now have toothpaste, chocolates, makeup and shampoo/conditioner that I will use myself anyways that I basically got for free. I also have 4 gift sets that I plan on using for adopt-a-family next year through my work. It honestly takes me no time to set up my shopping plan and get through the store using and I am scoring some amazing deals!

I can't wait till the after Christmas sales! =)

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday- I work until 1 and then I'm officially on Christmas vacation! Woohoo! =)

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