I am truly blessed to live so close to the beach! Yesterday morning I had a ton of errands to run but Roxy and I managed to stop at the beach to run around a little bit...

I truly think the best exercise is just getting outside and running around like a little kid- and that is what my dog makes me do. She is adorable racing back and forth, running right at me and then at the last second bolting in the other direction for me to chase her. It is the most exciting exercise, especially when you are in the middle of running mundane errands.
I had to go to the post office to pick up my dads mail, the bank to do a deposit for him, a second bank to do a deposit for him, and another post office to pick up some flat rate boxes for ebay sales. While driving I had to make a call about a fundraiser for work...when did I become a grown-up and having boring errands to do?!
I have been thinking a lot back to when I was little and spent all of my time playing outside and truly miss it. I was reminiscing with a co-worker the other day about what life was like when we were little. I spent a ton of time rollerblading around my driveway to Backstreet Boys music (I could skate backwards and do all sorts of jumps and turns with all my practice). I also spent a lot of time swinging on our swing set listening to the Spice Girls. During the summer I swam in the pool every day and climbed trees that were higher than our house. Man I miss those days!
What did were your favorite things to do when you were young? Did you have any favorite games?
I loved at Recess to play Red Rover, but it quickly got banned. We also used to have a spy club on the playground. During gym class we always played a snowball game which was kind of like dodgeball but with fluffy snowballs. It was the best when we got to gym and those were set up on the center line!
Have a great day everybody!
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