Here's what I wanted to accomplish when this monthly challenge was given:
I am going to sort through all my sheet sets, blankets, and towels. I will be getting rid of ones that I don't use and get down to just a bare minimum.
I want to organize all my spare linens in baskets at the top of my closet. Right now they are just piled and driving me crazy!
I would like a spare set of white sheets for my bed- so I may be finding and ordering one.
I will be reorganizing the bathroom drawers and cleaning them out.
I will be going through all my beauty products and makeup (despite them not living in either my linen area or bathroom) "
Check. Check. Ehh. Check. andddd Check. I accomplished *almost* everything I set out to at the beginning of the month. I am still on the lookout for a spare set of white sheets- but other than that everything else I wanted to do I did!
Here's how the month went:
Overall, I feel like it was a pretty successful organization month. I can't wait to see what the April challenge is on iheartorganizing!
Congrats! Wow you did a LOT :) I'd love it if you could check out my blog (I also cleaned my linen closet) and follow me.
Thanks and Happy Tuesday!