Thursday, March 21, 2013

Planning for a European vacation...

My grandpa invited my mom and I to join him and his girlfriend on a trip to France in September and on Monday we met up with them to begin the planning process.

Vivian (my papa's girlfriend) was the one who chose France because she is very interested in her heritage and has never been to France. My papa and Vivian have traveled extensively throughout Europe (and other places as well) and my papa traveled with my grandma all over the place before she passed away as well.

My mom has never been to Europe and is so excited about this trip and I am just thrilled to have this amazing opportunity.

We drove up to meet papa and Vivian in Dayville, CT on Monday and found out about the travel group we are going to be a part of.

Vivian and my papa chose Collette travel group and the trip we will be taking is called France Magnifique. The trip looks amazing, we are traveling from Paris, to Normandy, to Omaha Beach, to Blois, to Nice with other stops along the way all within a 12 day period. I am so excited!

I have never been on a trip that involved group travel but I am very excited to try it out. The only other time I have been to Europe was during college when I visited my friend in Spain and we also took a weekend trip to England while I was there. Staying in hostels is a bit different then staying in hotels =)

Have you ever been on a group travel trip? Have you ever been to France?

Please let me know if there is any place in particular you would recommend to go in France? I know most of my time there will be dictated by the group travel but I am looking for ideas for the down time we will have!

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