Sunday, November 11, 2012

Better Late Then Never...

This morning I woke up ready to do my run on the treadmill- unfortunately my mom had gone back to sleep and the treadmill is located right below her bedroom so that put a kink in my plans!

After hanging around a little while, I headed outside and started to run. I ran in the field across the street, through paths around myself and around the yard- yet I didn't finish my 5K plan for the day.
I was so disappointed with myself but just wasn't feeling the running this morning and I had stuff to do so I put off the workout.

Immediately once I got home tonight I hopped on the treadmill and watched Once Upon A Time.

Sorry for the blurry iPhone picture- I was attempting to motivate myself to get through this workout. Other then accidentally pulling out the emergency cord on the treadmill in the middle of running- my run went great! Here's the breakdown:

5 minute warmup run
10 minute run
3 minute walk
10 minute run
5 minute cool down walk

Only 7 more days to complete and 12 days to complete it in... I might try to complete my next run tomorrow to get it out of the way since I am a little behind....

Overall, it was definitely a great way to end my weekend!

How was your weekend?

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