Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ebay and Coupons


I have a newfound love for Ebay. I had never really put much stock in Ebay I didn't really care to check  it out. That was until my friend Kristin told me that she had been selling tons of childhood items on there for quite a bit of money so I decided why not give it a try!

I listed 20 items, just random things such as American Girl doll clothes, a pea coat, some boots, and other random things. I sold 6 of them for over  $40! I would have donated these items and received nothing for them! Although I firmly believe in donating items to people who need them but I also think that if you can get a return for the item you purchased that is great too!

The items I sold too were just simple things I had hanging around that I was no longer using!

  • an American Girl doll raincoat for $6
  • a Magic Attic Club doll gymnastics outfit for $7
  • a peacoat for $9.05
  • a mini American girl doll for $8
  • a sony memory stick for $2.05
  • an Iphone case for $10
plus the buyers paid for shipping! 

I have a bunch of items I'm hoping to sell on Ebay because it just makes it so easy to make a little money for my used items!

Coupon Time

  • If you have a Dunkin Donuts near you- you should definitely sign up for their rewards program. On their website you can find the link and you get free items from them very frequently. In the past month I have gotten FOUR free coffees. That is about $10 in coupon savings!
  • I also saved $5.50 in coupons at Walmart the other day. Just from printing coupons off coupons.com! It truly is a lifesaver and amazing how much you can save on little items that you might need. I would definitely like to get better at couponing so I will continue practicing!

Do you do Ebay sales? Have you made a lot off of your items? 
Do you coupon? How much have you saved doing couponing?

1 comment:

  1. I've never sold anything off of ebay, but I do browse around and see what's out there to buy!
