Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gift Wrap Organization

With the holidays coming up, I'm sure many of you are thinking about organizing your gift lists and making sure you have enough wrapping materials to wrap all your lovely presents! I've already begun to shop and wrap presents in order to get ready for the holiday season. I prefer to have all my shopping and wrapping done early so I can enjoy the time with friends and family! Today, I was wrapping a birthday present and a Christmas gift that had come in the mail and noticed what a wreck my gift wrapping supplies were....

All my gift wrapping supplies currently live in this bin. It houses gift bags, boxes, ribbons, tissue paper, jewelry boxes, tape, permanent markers, and labels. This is a BIG job for such a little bin clearly I need a new way to organize it all!

Check out how it all gets stuffed in there!

Clearly, I need to fix this little situation.... I have been pouring over pictures trying to decide on how I want to update this space and here are some of my inspiration pictures:

I love the back-of-the-door storage on this space. It would definitely be great for my current lack of space. There seems to be room for everything I need to place (minus all my decorative boxes). I'm thinking this is the inspiration I may be more likely to go with since it will fit my room size easier.

wrapping workstation
The thing I love the most about this gift wrapping station is the awesome bin that holds wrapping paper. Wrapping paper I have now lays on top of the bin I showed earlier (which is why it wasn't pictured). I love this bin and need to find out where it is from! However the rest of this picture isn't entirely realistic for me, I definitely don't have room for a gift wrapping station this big!

I will be updating my situation as soon as possible and hopefully keeping it in my budget!

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